玉环方博机械供应2吨气液增压机,弓形单柱压力机,立式气液增压机,多功能气液增压机厂家直销。我公司气液增压机全国各大城市均可销售,上海气液增压机,南京气液增压机,广州气液增压,金华气液增压机,天台气液增压机,杭州气液增压机,东莞气液增压机,大连气液增压机,深圳气液增压机等。我公司接受各种非标准型气液增压机的定制,有意者请联系何女士: 0576-87216855,或者发送邮件至fangbocn@咨询订购!!! 其他产品信息请登陆我公司官方网站查询!!! FBY-Z系列 气液增压机(FBY-Z Series of Gas-liquid booster machine) 根据客户需求可定做非标准压机(Non-standard press can be customized according to customer demand.) 产品特点(product feature) C型机身设计,占用空间小,方便操作。(The-C-body design,use small space and easy to operate.) 利用气液增压原理,达到动作速度快,高出力的要求。(Using the Princiole of supercharger,get high speed and large output forces.) 没有油压系统待机时产生的噪音,可节省电力消耗从而降低生产成本。(No hydraulic system noise,can save electricity consumption and thus reduce production costs.) 出力调整容易,只要调整汽压压力,就能达到所需压力。(Output adjustment as easy as adjusting the air pressure,can achieve the required pressure.) 5.安全设计,采用双手操作,设有急停和上下点动功能。(Safety design,using both hands to operate,with mergency stop and jog up and down function.) 6.按键与脚踏两种循环启动方式,任意调整下压速度与时间。(Key and Foot Switch two cycle start modes,Pressure Speed and time can be adjusted arbitratily) 7.广泛用于零部件的压型、压弯、冲孔、压印,及轴类零件的校正和压装等。(Widely used in parts of the press forming,stretching,bending,punching,stamping,shaft alignment and press-fit,ect.) 技术参数 Technical Parameters 规 格Specifications 单位UNIT FBY-Z02 较大开口高度Max Opening Height mm 230 总行程Total stroke mm 135 增压行程 Pressure stroke mm 15 工作台尺寸The size of the working table mm 280 x280 使用压力pressure Mpa 0.4-0.7 模柄孔径Mold mounting hole mm Φ25 电源规格Power(3ΦAC,50Hz) V AC22V,50HZ 使用压力Using pressure 单位UNIT 理论压力Theory pressure 0.4 Mpa 13.49KN(181kgf) 0.5 Mpa 16.93(227kgf) 0.6 Mpa 20.33KN(272kgf) 0.7 Mpa 23.61KN(317kgf)